CMP Content Guide


The CMP Content Guide helps you choose Creative Math Prompts that meet your current needs. Simply select a grade level in order to see a page that lists the key content areas that you teach. Each content area will show one or more Creative Math Prompts specially designed to challenge your advanced and adventurous learners. The listed content areas correlate approximately with Common Core Math Standards. However, they are mildly accelerated, and they include topics that often appear in grade level curriculum before they show up in the standards. You may also want to explore the prompts in the grade levels immediately before and after the one that you teach. To see some different ways to teach with the prompts, read about Using Creative Math Prompts.


My ultimate goal is to expand this Content Guide into a “one-stop shopping” location that points you to high-quality resources that meet the needs of your advanced and adventurous learners in math. Each grade level and content area will have its own page with a carefully selected list of activities, problems, projects, assessments, and other teacher support materials. The resources will be reviewed in order to ensure that they support deep mathematical understanding and that they are:

  • meaningfully challenging,

  • engaging,

  • mathematically sound, and

  • practical to use.

Please contact me if you have suggestions to make this Content Guide more helpful to you. I would love to hear your ideas!